Find my github here. And here are some simple projects I've worked on:

Scheduling Website

A project using Django and Bootstrap. I learned about standard practices in web development, deployment of websites and server management.


A full CRUD app using MongoDB, Nodes.js and Express. This was part of 'The Webdeveloper Bootcamp 2021' class that I completed on Udemy.

Travel Site

A project using CSS, PostCSS and Javascript. This was part of the 'Git a Web Developer Job' class I took on Udemy.

Weather Lookup

This project used PHP and Javascript. It is a page that takes the name of a city and looks up the weather for that city. It taught me how to use APIs with PHP.

Zip Code Lookup

This project also used PHP and Javascript as well as Bootstrap. It takes an address and looks up the zipcode for the address using the Google Maps API.


This project used Python and Tkinter. It was started as a script I wrote to help populate form letters with information to use in sending mass emails or invite letters. After writing the script I used Tkinter to create a GUI so that my coworkers could use it as well.